Booking for 2? Get a private room for free!

Are you planning a getaway with another person and want the peace of mind of having a private twin room for the entire trip? You're in luck! Explore our selection of trips where you're guaranteed a private twin room for two at no extra charge, subject to availability. Enjoy making new connections during the day and retreat to your own space for privacy when you return.

Middle East
Latin America

How to secure a private room?

Choose your adventure

Choose one of the departing trips from the list on this page. These are the trips for which a private twin room is guaranteed for you and your travel companion, at no extra cost.

Book for 2 people

When checking out you will be asked if you want to add the No Sharing Room at an additional cost: DO NOT select it. We will automatically include it at no additional cost.

Wait for the confirmation

Once you make the reservation for you and your travel companion, we will contact you by email to confirm that you will have the private twin room for the itinerary you chose.